Sunday 14 August 2011

Workshop 1 - Model-It! Final

Reflection :
This is the first time I create a model. By this workshop, I could know that there are many equipment that I have to use to create a model. For example, when I made a smaller cutting or detail area, I need to use a scalpel; while for cutting a larger pieces, it needs a larger cutter. Moreover, this workshop is teaching me on how to read a plan and build it into a real model. Besides, the technique on taking a photo for the model is also important since it will make the model looks clearer and more interesting. 

Workshop 1 - week 3 - Fisher House

Fisher House (1:50)

Final Model

In Class Model

Workshop 1 - week 2 - Fisher House site

Fisher House site model

Final Model

In Class Model

Final Model

Workshop 1 - week 1 - Barcelona Pavilion

These are the images of my Barcelona Pavilion model (1:200). I also put the process on creating this model.

final work

Model in Class