Sunday 23 October 2011

Workshop 3 - Poster

Reflection :

Actually, I think this workshop is really useful since this workshop is the combination of the Model-it workshop and Draw-it workshop. Beside that, it is also useful since I could get a new experience on using Photoshop and many others. For example, since we are going to montage two pictures together, it is important to have a correct angle and right lighting for my model. In short, it helps on considering the angle and the lightning of the background and the model.

Moreover for the flip book, it also important to only having a little change on the drawing to make it will work; therefore some patience and good time management are really needed during this workshop.

Saturday 22 October 2011

Workshop 3 - Final

 For the final week, I modified the model so it could show the concept (connection, strength and rigidity) better. Every pieces on this model has a connection to the other, so by take one piece, it will break the other. Moreover, the presence of human on this photo-montage is strengthen the concept.
For the final, I choose the Silent Lake themes for my photo-montage since it suits the concept. For the final, I choose the Silent Lake theme since it could help me to show that my model is strong and rigid (so it could still stand on that situation).

Workshop 3 - Flipbook

Workshop 3 - week 2

In the second week, I change the model into this, but I still get the inspiration from 'Cubico'. Actually, I want to show some strength, connection, and rigidity on this model. For the photo montage, I choose 2 background, which are rocky cliff for day picture and silent lake for night picture; where both of this picture can fulfill my concept. However, to show the strengthen the concept, I think it will be better to put human figure. 

Workshop 3 - week 1

This is my first model which based on 'Cubico'. Since it follows cubico, I make everything with rectangular prism. Moreover, the prism is also hanging on several side and having a different size, so it would be more abstract but still have its shape. Beside that, to make it more abstract, the prism is only having several enclose area. In order to make it more interesting, I also make a hole, so it would have a nice shadow. However, since the shape of this model is like a house, I change it in the second week.

For the montage, I also try to make the tone color of the model is same with the background. And the way is by adjust the lighting during the process of photographing, and it also can be change when I use Photoshop.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Workshop 2 - Draw-It! Final

Reflection :
This workshop helps me to improve my drawing technique. This is the first time I draw the plan using hand and it seems a little bit difficult since I have to be careful in choosing the type of the marker. However by this workshop I could know that the line-weight in hand drawing is important. Before, I did not know how to render the plan, section and elevation; however, the rendering task gives me an experience on how sun might come into the house.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Workshop 2 - Drawing + Rendering

Rose Seidler House
with Rendering

The Theme of my rendering is based on Power. Therefore, the shading of the drawing is a little bit rough. The shading on section, and elevation are also made as if the sun light coming into the house, thus the direction is only made on one side.